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History of DTBC

The first David Thompson Bible Camp began in 1961 thanks to the dream of Mrs. Karl Bask, and the efforts of Sam Eeles and Miss Hazel Taylor, who spearheaded meetings and plans with 22 area residents in December of 1960. They were both workers with CSSM area churches, namely Hines Creek Mission and Eureka River Gospel Mission.

It was decided on December 29, 1960, that the camp be registered under CSSM. The original idea was to use a piece of land owned by a man named Karl Bask Sr. for a week of camp in July. An old log schoolhouse was the one and only building used for everything except sleeping. The first "cabins" were old donated graineries. The first camp speaker was Alberta CSSM Director, Mel Fredlund, Mrs. Fredlund was the Head Cook, and the aforementioned Sam Eeles (pastor of Hines Creek) was the first Director. Interestingly, that first summer in 1961saw 61 campers come through between the ages of 7 to 16. One record has there being 27 first-time decisions for Jesus. 

That first summer was quite primitive, for example the schoolhouse floor was shaving brought in from a sawmill to cover the ground. But in 1962, a few cabins were built and painted with bunk beds installed, and then in 1963, the first separation of camps occurred with 62 registered for children's camp and the addition of a teens-only camp with 37 attendees.

While still a smaller-sized camp, over the decades DTBC has continued to experience physical expansion and growth in numbers, and like many CSSM/One Hope Canada camps, this camp has and continues to live off countless volunteer hours, including sometimes at the Director level in years past. Eventually, the land was willed to the camp by Carl Bask Jr. in 2012 with more dreams for the future.  


Abbreviated Statement of Faith


One Hope Canada has an understanding and interpretation of Scriptures consistent with the evangelical Christian tradition and

maintains a Statement of Faith and Code of Christian Conduct based on that understanding and interpretation of Scripture.

In short summary, we believe—


1. The whole Bible is inspired by God and, therefore, our authority for faith and practice.


2. The Trinity is one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


3. Jesus Christ is God and was miraculously conceived, performed miracles, died and was buried, physically rose again,

ascended to heaven and will return.


4. In the person of the Holy Spirit, whose ministry is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, draw all people to Him, renew the

believing sinner, and indwell, guide, instruct and empower the believer for godly living and service.


5. In the existence of Satan, a created being and an enemy of God.


6. All people, though created in the image of God, are totally sinful and will one day be resurrected; only by being born again

through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ alone does one receive salvation and the gift of eternal life, thus escaping conscious

eternal punishment.

History of One Hope Canada

The purpose that has fueled our passion since 1927


Canada is a great place to live! It’s a land of opportunity, public education for all families, and freedoms found in few other countries. But sadly, there is something missing. 

In the 1930s, when we first began, hundreds of families lived and worked in rural Canada.  They lived far from churches that could share with them the hope of Christ. They were “those with the least opportunity to hear.”  


We chose to go find them. God led us to gather children in school houses and homes and called them Sunday Schools. We taught the Bible, shared the Gospel, and ultimately reached their whole family. We set up tents and called them Bible Camps, inviting these same children, and they came. They were eager to have fun and hungry to know more of Jesus. We made it our purpose to present the one hope we have in Jesus Christ to those Canadians with the least opportunity to hear, especially children and youth. We were the Canadian Sunday School Mission.


Though our name has changed, our purpose has not. What has changed is our country. Canada has shrunk. City populations are outgrowing the rural countryside. Technology now connects our communities. And sadly, more than at any other time, any remaining threads of Christ and the Bible have been plucked from the fabric of our country.  The chances of a Canadian child or youth hearing of the Christ of the Bible anywhere outside a church? Slim to none.


And so our burden remains steadfast; focused on those with the least chance to hear of Christ. Now, we find them throughout the fabric of our country. Over the years, we have changed how we reach these same Canadians. We continue to search for them, inviting them to our camps, our community outreaches, and churches. Over 20,000 walk through our doors every summer. Over 2000 chose to receive Christ for the first time. Others renew their faith and continue to grow in their walk with Christ.


Learn more about One Hope Canada 


Core Values

  1. SCRIPTURE: The Bible is our authority in all matters of faith and practice.
  2. PRAYER: Only through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit can our purpose be accomplished.
  3. CHURCH: We respect and seek to work with local churches.
  4. RELEVANCE: We aim to function in our culture with relevance and authenticity.
  5. INTEGRITY: We strive for integrity and accountability in every ministry and for respect in every relationship.
  6. VISION: We seek to pursue our purpose in all of Canada and in both official languages as appropriate.
  7. MEMBER CARE: We commit to encourage and support our mission family.
One Hope Canada Purpose

We present the Gospel, to those having the least opportunity to hear of Christ and especially to children and youth, and we disciple believers for living and serving through His Church.


DTBC Purpose

Sharing the gospel message with children of all ages and to help them build relationships with God and each other.

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